Sunday, August 2, 2015

 Vitamins A, D and K are all lipid soluble.
1. Vitamin A
The natural form was first recognised in 1920 and can be synthesised under artificial conditions. It is found in two forms in food.
 Its function has been known since 1536. It was first isolated in 1933 when its formula was determined. It is sour in taste and is degraded by strong acids, bases, oxidising agents, iron and copper. It dissociates on exposure to sunlight, high temperature and air.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

6. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
It is required for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, and formation of urine, As in the case of vitamin B3, many foods contain this vitamin so deficiencies are infrequent.
3. Vitamin B3 (Niacin, nicotinic acid, PP)
It is water soluble and durable against heat, light, alkalinity, acidity and oxidation. Niacin is needed for carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.

Its deficiency results in;
  • disorders of the nervous system and abnormal behaviour
  • disorders of the digestive system
  • sores in the skin
This three disorders are all symptoms of the disease pellagra.
Niacin forms the prosthetic group of NAD and NADP
The B complexes and vitamin C are in this category. They are mostly found in vegetables, yeast and whole grains.

1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
This vitamin was first recognised in 1890 in an illness affecting Indian soldiers whose diet comprised only bleached rice. This illness was named beriberi and research into this disease resulted in the

Sunday, July 26, 2015

How to do sweet and spicy chicken when easily found materials?
Almost every child just like tseltsegnüürt. Most affordable for sale outside of China looks tseltsegnüür. Therefore, our health Learn tseltsegnüür love their children by the hand.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Prime Minister wishes Mongolian WorldSkills competitors luck in Brazil Mongolian vocational school students are attending the World­Skills Com­­petition for the first time Prime Minister Ch.Saikhan­bileg wished the young people who are preparing to attend the WorldSkills Competition in Brazil good luck, and handed over the national flag to be flown in Brazil.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

With a history of over a thousand years, this portable dwelling made of wood lashed together with leather thongs and covered with felt is the home of the Mongolian nomads. Easy to erect and dismantle, the ger, its furnishings, and the stove inside can be carried by just three camels, or wagons pulled by yaks making it ideal for the nomadic way  of life. The average ger is small but spacious enough to provide adequate living space for a family, is wind resistant, and has good ventilation. Gers are constructed of a latticed wood structure covered with layers of felt and canvas. The felt helps the ger retain heat and the canvas over it sheds rain.

Alt text for imageMongolia, with a land area of about 1.6 million sq. km. and a population of about 3.0 million is the world’s most sparsely populated country. The land ranges from desert to semi-desert to grassy steppe, with mountains in the west and south-west. Arable land is estimated to constitute only 0.8 percent of this vast country. Landlocked between Russia and China, Mongolia has shown steady growth in the recent years. GDP per capita increased over the years and Mongolia is now a middle-income country.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Food in Mongolia is affected by its extreme continental climate, because of which the diet primarily comprises of meat, dairy products and animal fats. Spices and vegetables are served but in limitation. Because of the country's history with China and Russia, the cuisine is influenced but both cultures.

Features of Mongolia

The nomads that live in Mongolia sustain primarily from products that are derived from cattle, sheep, horses and yaks, which are domesticated. Meat is mostly cooked or used in soups and dumplings. The large percentage of animal fat in Mongolian diets helps the natives to withstand the cold and also work outdoors.
The milk and cream derived from these animals is used to make diverse beverages, cheese and other such products.



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